Sunday, February 04, 2007


Com ternura, simpatia e excelente cinematografia , o filme La Petite Jérusalem reflete na estréia da diretora karin Albou os corpos de duas irmãs em Sarcelles, suburbio pardo e prostituído de Paris, casa ou enclave de imigrantes judeus ortodoxos, espaços fisicos e psicologicos de duas mulheres fortes, num estilo impressionista sofisticado e inspirado.
.."Laura (Fanny Valette) leans toward the secular; she is skeptical, a student of philosophy and falling in love with a mustachioed algerian named Djamel (Hedi Allette de Clermon-Tonnerre). Mathilde (Elza Zylberstein), her sister, is devout, but conflicted by dual fidelities to God and husband (Bruno Todeschini). The latter, sexually frustated, is no longer faithful. Can faith be reconciled with foreplay?"...
.."the philosophy tracts Laura memorizes lead her to believe that love itself is a superstition of sorts and that personal freedom lies in one's respect for the law. Which law to respect becomes the question of the film"...
Emanuel Kant invocado agora, questionado pela filosofia, sairia com essa: ..Vá entender!....


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