Monday, August 15, 2005


"The Dingbat Family, retitled The Family Upstairs went on until 1916, but there was something going on downstairs too Herriman occasionally filled the bottons of Dingbat panels with miniature comic animals engaged in their own farcical adventures, in which a mouse would invariably reward the skewered logic of his feline partner with a brick. By 1913, this substrip became independent, and was called Krazy Kat.
Many people - including Randolph Hearst, President Woodrow Wilson, Gertrud Stein, Pablo Picasso etc..Sensed something special in Krazy Kat.
The Kat spoke in a singular patois of poeticisms, slang, Yiddish, Spanish...Herrimans' love for the Arizona landscapes and pueblo folk-art (Krazy Kat and his friends were citizens of a surreal version of the North Arizona real life Coconino County)."

Vou transcrever o texto original duma comic page do autor. Transgressão em termos, vou omitir o brilhante desenho do comic. George Herriman brinca na escrita com a língua falada, talento semelhante ao da nossa amada Fal.
As tres principais personagens aparecem nessa ocasião: o xerife Pupp, o gato Krazy e o ratinho Ignatz. Como sempre eles filosofam...

"Officer Pupp engaged in smalltalk with Krazy Kat, of this of that, and why. Why is red mesa, and white mesa white, and why is black mesa black. And is it true the mountains of 'Kaibito' lie down to let the sand dunes crawl over them, and are the elephant's feet pink because they wade in red lake
- When, Alluvasudde
'- Not to change the conversation, Krazy, but I want to call your attention to 'tree' over there. I'd never noticed it until now.
'- A marvillis finhominy
'- S funny about that tree. Still why should I worry just because I never saw it before.
'- Sure wot's a tree, more and less.
'- LOOK!!! It's moved...
'- And for rissin A-tall too..
'- There's something queer about that tree Krazy
'- Wot for a instinct, Officer Pupp?
'- NOW, it's on the 'Bridge'!!!
'- Fency that now
'- Wait here I'm going over to investigate
'- Quite so
'- A, A - HAA - JUST AS I SUSPXIONED. The 'VILLAIN' - And laid out cold with his own
brick too!!!
It was nothing so wonderful after all, Krazy. Just an ordinary circumstance!!! - YEH
'- I'm so gled, I was afraid 'Ignatz' was missing something by not being around here"


Blogger nelson porto said...

My Meg, Herriman descobri graças a livreira da Leonardo da Vinci (na Rio Branco), dona Vani, Vana (senhora das europas, não lembro o nome certo). Foram 5 revistas da Free Press holandesa com bom arquivo do trabalho e outras informações do genial autor.
Um verdadeiro fenômeno, ele escrevia e desenhava sofisticadas idéias e fazia sucesso com a maioria.
Herriman brincava com filosofias, do ocidente ao oriente e com a arte do seu comics visitava estilos pertinentes.


Tuesday, 16 August, 2005  

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